
Inner Journey | Navigation | Exploration | Guidance | Intuition | wisdom.

Iolite is often called the “Stone of Inner Journey” for its association with intuition, self-discovery, and spiritual growth. It’s believed to enhance mental clarity, deepen meditation, and facilitate inner exploration.

Enchanting Violet-Blue Color, Iolite exhibits a captivating range of violet-blue hues, reminiscent of a serene twilight sky. Its ethereal colors evoke feelings of tranquility, intuition, and inner vision.

‏Embark on an enchanting journey of self-discovery with Iolite, the gemstone of intuition and inner vision, its mesmerizing violet-blue hues reminiscent of twilight skies, guiding you toward clarity, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.”

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US UK Italy - EU France
4 1 34 35
4.5 1.5 34.5 35.5
5 2 35 36
5.5 2.5 35.5 36.5
6 3 36 37
6.5 3.5 36.5 37.5
7 4 37 38
7.5 4.5 37.5 38.5
8 5 38 39
8.5 5.5 38.5 39.5
9 6 39 40
9.5 6.5 39.5 40.5
10 7 40 41
10.5 7.5 40.5 41.5
11 8 41 42
11.5 8.5 41.5 42.5
12 9 42 43

Please note, this is an approximate size conversion guide. Conversions may vary from brand to brand. For further information or advice, contact us.

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